On May 10, 2019, members of Olivet’s extended community gathered for a ceremony to dedicate the Garden and Columbarium, located behind Kelley Prayer Chapel. Also in attendance were members of Olivet’s Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, local community friends, and families that have planned for their inurnments onsite.
The beautiful dedication ceremony included scripture readings, reflection, and a prayer of dedication given by University President, Dr. John C. Bowling.
“We have created this space knowing that life is a gift and that death is part of life. Here we are reminded that we are dust, and to dust we will return.” Dr. Bowling continued, “This place is sacred because it holds both life and death, both prayers and promise, both grief and hope. Mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends will gather here to remember dear ones they have loved and lost. . . . Let us be reminded that this is resurrection ground!”
The columbarium is offered to alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the university as a meaningful site to be inurned. The garden is meant to be a place for visitors to sit, pray, and contemplate as they remember the lives and legacies of loved ones.
For more information about the columbarium, please read this informational packet. Please contact Austin Brown at asbrown2@olivet.edu or 815-936-3993 with any questions.
To learn more about Olivet, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.
Published 5/29/19