Olivet Nazarene University recently announced the appointment of Dr. Jeffery Stark to the position of Director of Graduate Programs of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry.
Dr. Stark holds a doctor of ministry degree from Lipscomb University in Missional Theology and Spiritual Formation. He has also completed a M.T.S. degree from Vanderbilt University, an M.A. in Theology from Trevecca Nazarene University and a B.A. in English Literature from Otterbein College. His dissertation is entitled “Multiplication Wins: Fanning the Flames of Missional Multiplication through the Narrative Journey of Bridgeway Community Church.”
Dr. Stark has also published articles, “Changing the Scorecard” and “Way Truth, Life: Discipleship as a Journey of Grace.” He is currently under contract from Foundry Publishing to write, “The News is Good: Evangelism as a Way of Life.”
At Olivet since 2019, Dr. Stark has served as an associate professor of Christian Ministry and the Director of the Center for Theological Leadership; developed a new M.A. program in Missional Multiplication; and directed the development of a new junior-level general education course – “Christian Living in a Pluralistic Age.”
As an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, he serves as the executive director of Reach 77 and Missional Director of the Chicago Central District. Dr. Stark has served as Lead Pastor of Bridgeway Community Church, Erin Church of the Nazarene and associate pastor at Clarksville First Church of the Nazarene. At Bridgeway, 260 people were baptized in five years under his ministry. Dr. Stark also has distinguished service as a Sergeant in the United States Army.
Professor David K. Wine ‘72, Interim-Dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry said of the appointment, “I have had a front row seat in witnessing Dr. Stark become an effective professor, an emerging leader, and a passionate advocate of equipping a new generation of spiritual leaders to not just ‘come and see’ but ‘go and be.’” He expressed, “The leadership team at Olivet has strong confidence in Jeff and his ability to lead us to a preferred future in this very critical missional role.”
For more information about the School of Theology and Christian Ministry, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.