To reaffirm its accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Olivet Nazarene University recently completed all necessary requirements for this process as set out by the HLC. The Commission requires periodic review on a 10-year cycle to ensure that ONU continues to meet HLC requirements and pursue institutional improvement.
The Criteria for Accreditation are the standards of quality by which HLC determines whether an institution merits accreditation or reaffirmation of accreditation. These criteria are the following: Mission; Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct; Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support; Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement; and Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning.
Through a written argument that included almost 1,000 pieces of evidence, ONU had the opportunity to demonstrate the many ways the University is satisfying these criteria. The HLC visit team also conducted an on-site visit to gather their own information and to corroborate the documentary evidence. Results of this accreditation review process will reach the University community in coming weeks.
“This review process is an opportunity for ONU to showcase the excellent, missional work we are doing every day on behalf of our students,” says Dr. Jonathan Pickering ’92/’97 MBA, HLC liaison officer. “The HLC review team’s two-day visit to our campus was encouraging. The reviewers repeatedly commented on the friendly, welcoming atmosphere. They were especially impressed by the large number of staff and faculty who attended and participated during the three open forums. They emphasized that there was a high degree of alignment between what they read in the argument and what they experienced on campus. This initial feedback was encouraging for the many individuals across the University who provided leadership for the review.”
ONU’s accreditation team — led by Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88, vice president for academic affairs — has been working tirelessly for the over two years to fulfill all the requirements for the HLC review and accreditation process. Members of this team include:
- Jonathan Pickering, dean of academic Operations and HLC liaison officer
- Lisa McGrady, leader of the assurance writing team and process, who made sure that the necessary evidence was available and presented
- Lynda Allen ’82/’88 MBA
- Nancy Bonilla ’96
- Paul Koch
- Houston Thompson
- Ashley Luft ’08/’12 M.A.T./’18 Ed.D., executive director of the Center for Academic Excellence
- Carmen Lynn, who organized and tracked the evidence presented
For more information about ONU’s accreditations, visit