Pre-Professional Programs
Doctors. Lawyers. Pharmacists. Physical Therapists. Olivet boasts a multitude of alumni who credit their alma mater for their success in graduate school and professional careers.
Pre-Professional Fields
If you believe your future includes graduate or professional study, Olivet offers a number of outstanding pre-professional degree programs to help you have the successful career you ultimately desire.
Fields for which Olivet offers pre-professional preparation include:
Clinical Laboratory Science
Suggested emphasis: Biological Sciences
Suggested emphasis: Biology, Chemistry or Engineering
Suggested emphases: Theology or Christian Ministry
Physician Assistant
Suggested emphases: Biological Sciences or Nursing
Physical Therapy
Suggested emphases: Biological Sciences or Exercise & Sports Science
Psychology and Counseling
Suggested emphasis: psychology
Suggested emphasis: Zoology

Free MCAT Prep
Olivet is pleased to offer a free MCAT/DAT preparatory course to pre-med and pre-dental students who are applying to medical or dental school! This course is taught live and in-person by one of our own professors, and it is completely free, thanks to a generous donation from an alumnus. Class meets on Wednesday nights for 2.5 hours over 15 weeks, and covers all the subjects tested on the MCAT exam! Commercial prep classes cost well over $2,000, so this is an incredible value! For more information, contact Dr. Himes at