Become an Advocate. Join the Network!

It is always the right time to connect a current high school student with Olivet. Recommend a student today and we’ll send them a t-shirt and more information about ONU!

Recommend a Student

onu tote

Tote Bag

Receive a tote with 1 student referral

onu tshirt


Receive a t-shirt with 5 student referrals

onu water bottle


Receive a tumbler with 10 student referrals

onu notebook


Receive a notebook with 20 student referrals

onu outdoor blanket

Outdoor Blanket

Receive an outdoor blanket with 50 student referrals

onu sweatshirt


Receive a sweatshirt with 100 student referrals

Woody & Julie Webb | Our Legacy

Advocacy Runs Deep

While we have a tangible goal of 2,000 recommended students for the 2022/23 school year, advocacy as a whole runs much deeper than acquiring recommendations.

We want to encourage alumni and friends to add value to Olivet through their words, actions, and resources as they go about life in their workplace, church, and community.

Hannah Priest headshot


“We have a vibrant community of alumni around the world. Please join me at one of our job fairs, register to “Hire Olivetians” on Handshake, or speak in one of our classes.” 

“Teachers, I want to send you an Olivet pennant for your classroom or office! If you have your class fill out an interest card, we will send them an Olivet T-shirt!”

Hannah Priest
Assistant Director for Alumni Relations | 815-928-5667

Anne Whalen


“Consider partnering with me to schedule a campus visit, set-up an Olivet display in your lobby (with free t-shirts), or sponsor one of your youth activities!”

Anne Whalen
Director of Church Relations | 815-939-5291