Learning Behavior Specialist I Endorsement
The LBS1 Endorsement program is designed for those who are full-time teachers striving to expand their knowledge, skills, and dispositions for working with students with exceptionalities.
Course Descriptions
This course is an introduction to multicultural education including an examination of cultural identities and special education. The course studies learner needs and instructor engagement within the broader contexts of the classroom, namely institutional and social contexts that carry unique histories, policies, and social relations that are specific to the geographical location. The course encourages teacher leadership in the area of reciprocity and witnessing to the community in order to address social implications of learning to extend the focus beyond maximizing student learning and potential. An emphasis is placed on specific strategies for adapting instruction and current practices and policies in order to meet the needs of all students in an inclusive classroom setting.
Candidates will examine characteristics of individuals identified with disabilities, including levels of severity and their influence on development, behavior and learning. This course will address state and federal regulations; issues and trends in schools including, health care needs, sensory processing, motor development, and self-care skills; school/home/employment partnerships and transition procedures. Students will identify assessment and evaluation requirements and understand the process of writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and transition plans.
This course provides teacher candidates the opportunity to master information about methods of interventions for students with disabilities. Teacher candidates will demonstrate mastery for adapting general education curriculum based on individual learner needs. An emphasis is placed on examining the academic, social and vocational needs of individuals and their transitional needs from pre-school to a post-secondary level. Teacher candidates will create lesson plans based on the goals and objectives of students with disabilities. A focus of this course is to adapt materials and incorporate technology into all aspects of instruction for students with disabilities. This course includes 20 hours of clinical experience.
Accurate assessment and diagnosis guide the curriculum and instruction in the classroom for students with special needs. Using assessment to inform instruction enables the special education teacher to effectively identify student strengths and weaknesses, target developing skills, and foster academic growth. Candidates engage in the examination of the major principles of assessment; demonstrate understanding of the legal aspects of the evaluation of students with special needs; as well as analyze, select, and interpret appropriate assessments for students with special needs. Candidates also develop understanding of norm-referenced and curriculum based assessments and how such tests can be used in establishing student goals and benchmarks. This course includes 10 hours of clinical experience.

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