“A Call to Awe” | Bestselling Author John Bevere Speaks at ONU

Reverence and Transformation: John Bevere’s Call to Awe at Centennial Chapel
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Seth Hurd

September 25, 2024 Spiritual Life

John Bevere speaking in chapel

“When my assistant told me that you wanted me to come and speak, I said, ‘I’m going wherever there are hungry college students for Jesus.’” John Bevere’s passion was clear as he addressed the packed Centennial Chapel. Despite a packed schedule, the best-selling author and international speaker came to Olivet to deliver a powerful message on the transformative nature of the fear of the Lord.

Bevere’s message centered on the deep reverence we should have for God—what the Bible calls the “fear of the Lord.” He referenced Isaiah 33:6: “The fear of the Lord is His treasure.” Bevere asked the students, “Do you just throw your treasures in junk drawers or leave them on the front lawn? No, you protect them.” He emphasized that this fear isn’t about being afraid of God but standing in awe of Him, trembling at His presence. “The person who fears God has nothing to hide,” Bevere said. “That person is actually terrified of being away from God.”

Throughout his message, Bevere shared personal stories that underscored the power of reverence and intimacy with God. He recalled a time early in his ministry when he felt something missing in his preaching. “I prayed, ‘God, why isn’t there a stronger anointing on my life?’ And the Holy Spirit said, ‘Because you tolerate sin, not only in your life but in the lives of others.’” That moment changed everything, as Bevere says he learned the importance of rejecting sin and embracing holiness. “When you learn to hate sin the way God hates it, the anointing increases.”

John also shared the immense blessing of walking closely with God. Quoting Psalm 25:14, he said, “Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him.” Bevere challenged the audience to cultivate a friendship with God by living in holy fear and rejecting casual attitudes toward His Word.

He concluded with a heartfelt invitation: “If you want to walk in the fear of the Lord and experience intimacy with Him, make that commitment today.”

To watch the full message, click here.

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Seth Hurd

Seth Hurd (’06/’08 MOL/’12 M. Hist) is the founder of Manx Solutions. He lives in St. Louis, MO with his wife Amanda, and daughters Ava and Emery.

Student on main campus wearing pink sweater and holding water bottle.

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