Business Students Dedicate Volunteer Time to Assist with Tax Returns

Throughout the tax season, VITA has proven to be a vital resource for many, offering assistance to more than 350 individuals and couples with basic tax returns and empowering them to meet their tax obligations. Student volunteers dedicated their time and expertise, working diligently to make the process as seamless as possible for all participants.

George Wolff

March 27, 2024 Academics, Business, Campus Life

Olivet Nazarene University's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program has wrapped up another successful year, providing invaluable support to the campus, community, and beyond.

Olivet Nazarene University’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program has wrapped up another successful year, providing invaluable support to the campus, community, and beyond.

Throughout the tax season, VITA has proven to be a vital resource for many, offering assistance to more than 350 individuals and couples with basic tax returns and empowering them to meet their tax obligations. Student volunteers dedicated their time and expertise, working diligently to make the process as seamless as possible for all participants.

The impact of VITA extended both within the university community and to individuals in the surrounding neighborhoods, bringing much-needed assistance during the tax season. By offering their services for free, VITA volunteers showcased their dedication to serving others and exemplified the university’s commitment to community engagement.

“The VITA program provides an excellent opportunity for accounting students to gain experience in preparing tax returns,” said Dave Horton, Associate Professor in Olivet’s McGraw School of Business. “It is inspiring to observe Olivet students assisting members of the community in relieving their fear and anxiety related to their taxes. This is a practical way for them to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

Olivet Nazarene University extends its appreciation to all who contributed to the program’s accomplishments. The university looks forward to continuing this beneficial initiative in the future, building upon the success and impact of VITA for years to come.

VITA by the numbers ONU 2024

*Update: April 22, 2024

Over 7 weeks, VITA Club completed 625 returns over 7 weeks!

George Wolff

George Wolff ’94 is a singer, actor and Creative Director and Partner with 989Group.

Student on main campus wearing pink sweater and holding water bottle.

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