During the 2017 Baccalaureate service at Olivet Nazarene University, two graduating seniors shared testimonies and memories. Following is an excerpt from each student’s presentation.
Madeline Buseth, Class of 2017, holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and intercultural studies. She is from Kasota, Minnesota.
“At Olivet, there have been people who have powerfully witnessed to the love of Christ by sharing my burdens. I was shown kindness countless times. Like the admissions ambassador who showed kindness toward me when I was in distress about my college choice. Professors who took time out of their busy schedules to answer my questions. Friends who encouraged me on tough days. Resident directors who went above and beyond to care for residents. These were all small acts of kindness that meant the world to me. During times of loneliness, frustration, confusion, I have experienced the beauty of belonging to a Christ-centered community that feels like family.
“No matter what we’ve gone through over the past four years, we’ve gone through it together. I am moved to tears now when I think about leaving the people here who have become home to me. As we graduate, I am sure quite a few tears will be shed as a testament to the love that we have shared here. A love that is irreplaceable and a love we will carry with us no matter where our futures take us.
“As we go our separate ways, we take the love and support of one another with us, knowing we are all just one phone call away. As we go out into the world, let us continue to be moved to tears by what has come to matter most to us.”
Seth Peachey, Class of 2017, holds a bachelor’s degree in management information systems/business administration. He is from Galesburg, Illinois.
“This past March, my grandpa passed away. He was the patriarch of the Peachey family who led by example on how to be a true follower of Christ. Whenever I think of him, I think of how I want to lead my future family in the same way. A way that shows people God’s love through coming alongside them as they are, ready to help out in any way possible. My grandpa has passed down his legacy to my father, who has passed on his legacy to me. I carry the power of their legacies — and the responsibility that goes with that — in my hands. Their legacies have become mine.
“From this point forward, you have the ability to change your legacy. If you have a great legacy, awesome, continue it on into your own life. If you don’t have a legacy or you inherited one that hurts to even think of, right here, right now, is the time to change that. No one can change their past, but we are all responsible for our own futures.
“There is one legacy that matters more to me than any other: the legacy of Jesus Christ. As a follower of Christ, my life’s goal is to live like Jesus did. Love like Jesus loved and sacrifice like Jesus sacrificed. As my undergraduate career draws to an end, I am constantly thinking about how my life compares to the life of Jesus. Am I living my life in a way that continues his legacy?
“Go out into the world with God as your foundation, Christ as your blueprint, and see how great he is and how much impact you can truly have. Life will be tough, but let God be your strength.”