“Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods”— Dr. Jeff Stark, Director of Graduate Programming, opened with the words of Deuteronomy 11.
Drawing from both scripture and St. Augustine’s timeless words, Dr. Stark addressed the reality of what he called “shopping-around hearts.” He described this as a restless pursuit for satisfaction, always searching for the next thing but never finding fulfillment.
“Many of us live with a shopping-around kind of heart,” Dr. Stark explained. “We hold on to things loosely, always keeping an eye out for something shinier, something better. But that kind of heart is exhausting, unmoored and constantly searching.”
Dr. Stark built his message around the Shema, the central passage of Deuteronomy that declares the oneness of God and calls His people to love Him fully. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
He reminded students of the importance of settling their hearts on the one true God. Without this devotion, he warned, they risk being captivated by lesser things— “posers and pretenders” that promise fulfillment but fail to deliver.
“If you don’t settle in your heart that there is one God, one story, one purpose and one promise, you’ll drift through life, giving yourself to things that leave you defeated and disappointed,” Dr. Stark said.
To illustrate his message, Dr. Stark shared his personal acronym, FAST—Fear, Adoration, Service and Trust—describing the moments when people are most vulnerable to being enticed. He explained how fear, misplaced desires, or a longing for stability can lead to idolatry in both subtle and overt ways.
“When our hearts are restless, we’re more likely to trust things that were never meant to have authority over us,” Dr. Stark said. “But here’s the good news: through Jesus, God has already settled it for us. His life, death and resurrection call us to rest in Him.”
Dr. Stark concluded by encouraging the community to stop window-shopping for satisfaction and fully commit to God. Quoting Augustine, he said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”
To view the full chapel, click here.
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Dr. Jeff Stark is a popular speaker, and the author of The News is Good: Evaneglism as a Way of Life. For an interview with Dr. Stark about the book, click here.