This week, Olivet Nazarene University kicks off the spring 2021 semester. Many of the ONU athletic teams returned to campus in early January to begin practicing for competitions that started on January 4. The rest of the student body moves in January 16-17.
Asynchronous classes began on January 12-13 and in-person classes will resume on Tuesday, January 19. Offices will be open on Monday, January 18 for students to finalize registration, buy books and reorient themselves with campus life.
In order to limit the spread of any illnesses, students were asked to quarantine 10 days before returning to campus and to refrain from traveling if they had a fever. Additionally, this semester all residential students and commuter students who participate in high exposure groups will participate in free, non-invasive COVID-19 saliva testing. The saliva testing will be conducted by the ONU Biology Department, which will adhere to strict confidentiality measures.
While not a diagnostic test, the saliva test has a high level of accuracy in identifying the COVID virus, SARS-COV2. Test results that are flagged for COVID will be sent to Health Services and students will need to follow up with them for a confirmatory diagnostic test. Questions about the saliva testing may be directed to salivatesting@olivet.edu.
The weekly testing will be implemented in conjunction with the Tiger Pause initiative that was launched in summer 2020. All members of the campus community are asked to continue to abide by the Tiger Pause protocols including wearing a mask, social distancing, staying in their residence if sick, limiting the size of social groups, practicing good hygiene, etc.
In the spring preview communication that was sent out to students, faculty and staff at the end of 2020, student body president Lily Jarzabkowski emphasized the success of the fall semester while looking forward to the challenges of a new semester.
“As one would expect in a pandemic, we learned to navigate new difficulties and challenges. Though the world looks different, we are grateful to be able to rely on the consistency of Olivet faculty, staff, and students to make sure we have a sense of belonging.”
For more information about life at Olivet, or to schedule a campus visit, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@olivet.edu or 800-648-1463.
Published 1/13/2021