Olivet Purple
Pantone 269C
CMYK 80,98,5,27
RGB 72,32,110
HEX #48206E
The Office of Marketing serves as General Brand Manager for the university, and serves to promote and protect the university design standards through careful and strategic usage of colors, logos and insignias.
Be On-Brand
The official Olivet logo is the foundation of Olivet Nazarene University’s brand identity. It separates Olivet from other schools, fosters loyalty to the university, and is recognized by students, alumni, faculty/staff and supporters of Olivet alike. Logos can only be used with the expressed permission of the Office of Marketing, or the University Administration.
Any variation of the university logos is a violation of the Registered Trademark and subject legal action.
Born in the Purple with a Heart of Gold
When using the Olivet colors, please find the exact values below. The Pantone and CMYK values should be used for print and the RGB and Hex values should be used for screen applications. When designing anything for Olivet, a good rule of thumb for color usage is 65% purple, 30% gold, 5% red.
Pantone 269C
CMYK 80,98,5,27
RGB 72,32,110
HEX #48206E
Pantone 124C
CMYK 0,30,100,0
RGB 253,185,19
Pantone 485C
CMYK 0,95,100,0
RGB 221,60,39
Proxima Nova Medium and Regular is used in mixed case and al caps for titles and headlines. It is also used for body copy.
Proxima Nova Bold may be used for headlines, in mixed case, or in all caps.
The University logo must be reproduced from the authorized design and must not be scanned, recreated or re-proportioned in any way. Also, it may not be reduced so small that the cross within the flame is not visible. Use of the purple and gold version of the logo is preferred. If the logo is used on a dark background, it may be necessary to use the yellow and white version or the all-white logo for maximum readability.
The minimum amount of white space around the logo should be equal to the size of the “O” in the logo at any given size.
All schools and colleges of the university have supporting logos. Members of the Olivet community may download here.
Occasionally a campus organization may desire a specific logo. The process for implementing a supporting logo includes receiving permission for logo development, at the discretion of the Office of Marketing, working with the university administration. Every campus organization will not receive permission to create a secondary logo. All university-related logos must first be either created by, or gain the approval of the Office of Marketing. Requests for university logos can be submitted to marketing@olivet.edu.
Use of the Olivet seal is restricted to projects associated with the University president and/or Board of Trustees; official documents, such as those produced for the Registrar’s Office, which include diplomas, transcripts, or grade reports; or official university events, such as commencement.
The athletic logo(s) should be used exclusively to represent the athletic department or individual athletic teams. High-resolution files of Olivet’s athletic logos are available to download (link coming soon). Sub-brand logos for individual athletic teams have been created and are also available as well. Use of logos on apparel may require additional guidelines. Please contact the director of athletics with questions.
Download the ONU PLUS logos here.
Please reference the list below whenever you’re creating new images for your site. You should find a size for all possible images you’ll need/use. The key thing to note is that there are only 3 different aspect ratios one needs to consider:
Be university-polished
Lead a Zoom conference or share a presentation in Olivet style! Download Olivet-branded Zoom backgrounds and/or a PowerPoint presentation below.