Rochelle Brock

Associate Dean, Instructional Designer

Rochelle Brock is an Associate Dean at Olivet Nazarene University’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies who works with subject-matter experts and faculty to help them create engaging curriculum. The goal of this work is fully aligned courses that ensure students meet intended outcomes. Having overseen the development of over 100 courses at Olivet, Rochelle is well-versed in the foundations and process of creating solid, engaging online curriculum and knows the critical role it plays in ensuring optimal student achievement.  Rochelle holds a master’s of education degree in Instructional Design from Western Governors University and was awarded the Capstone Excellence Award for her research study on faculty development and creating accessible course content.

Rochelle loves teaching at Olivet because it is wonderful to work with colleagues that support each other to support our students.  When teaching for Olivet, it is clear that creating a transformational experience for our students is a high priority.  Her faith allows her to fully commit to helping her students and colleagues grow to be the individuals God created them to be – educationally, professionally, and spiritually.

Rochelle has taught the Introduction to Online Teaching course to faculty and she finds it a joy to show new and seasoned faculty alike valuable tools to help them increase their social, cognitive, and teaching presence in their online classroom.  Rochelle also developed two courses for the Multi-Disciplinary studies degree and loves teaching students the value of combining knowledge gleaned from several areas of course work to understand and solve complex problems in their personal and professional life.

Rochelle also serves alongside her husband as he pastors Lowell First Church of the Nazarene in Indiana.  Rochelle and David have four beautiful sons: Jared, Levi, Nathan, and Isaac. In her spare time, she likes to play the piano and read, although with four sons there is not much free time to spare!